Wednesday, January 29, 2014

LaTeX tricks

Here is a collection of useful latex tricks I have been using in my papers.

How to add "sticky note" annotations to your manuscript

In the preamble of the document, add

For sticky notes:
\todo{your sticky note comment}

For notes placed in the text:
\todo[inline]{your sticky note comment}

For a missing figure box, such that you want to remind yourself to add a plot there later:
\missingfigure{figure description}

Read this for more options and the documentation of the todonotes package.

How to highlight or cross-out text

In the preamble of the document, add
\usepackage{color, soul}

For highlighted text:
\hl{your highlighted text}

For crossing-out text:

Check this out for more options.

For commenting out larger chunks of text

In the preamble of the document, add

Then put the text you want to comment out inside the environment:
everything your want to not show up in the document

Can be way more powerful and faster than appending the % character to the beginning of each line.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Video tutorial: Bayesian data analysis with PyMC 3

I highly recommend the tutorial by Thomas Wiecki on using PyMC 3 to perform Bayesian data analysis. Some of the cool things he demonstrates in this ~50 min video:

  • summary of Bayesian analysis and Bayesian theorem
  • application for parameter estimation for a few introductory examples: coin-flipping experiment, simple linear regression
  • new features of PyMC 3 with respect to v2
  • how to construct a model in PyMC 3 and a few notes on samplers
  • more advanced example: application to time series of correlated stocks, then linear regression of correlated stocks with a time-dependent slope (!!)