Thursday, January 16, 2014

Video tutorial: Bayesian data analysis with PyMC 3

I highly recommend the tutorial by Thomas Wiecki on using PyMC 3 to perform Bayesian data analysis. Some of the cool things he demonstrates in this ~50 min video:

  • summary of Bayesian analysis and Bayesian theorem
  • application for parameter estimation for a few introductory examples: coin-flipping experiment, simple linear regression
  • new features of PyMC 3 with respect to v2
  • how to construct a model in PyMC 3 and a few notes on samplers
  • more advanced example: application to time series of correlated stocks, then linear regression of correlated stocks with a time-dependent slope (!!)


  1. I highly recommend the tutorial by Thomas Wiecki on using PyMC 3 to perform Bayesian data analysis.wordpress tutorial in urdu

  2. How to construct a model in PyMC 3 and a few notes on samplers...joomla tutorial in urdu
